Sunday, April 12, 2015

Fish in The Sky 3

I have a slight dilemma, being that a good chunk of the book is.. inappropriate you could say. Some other things happen in the book obviously but those things are just "Oh, and Jack didn't even come to band today. He even knew that today was mandatory too." Those are the kind of sentences and story in the book. The book is literately just about the boy having his older cousin move in and be considered a princess by his mother, and other than that it's just his.. odd feelings in more emotions than one. I wish I was joking about the book but alas, I'm not. I only wish the book has am actual plot and some depth. Just a little bit is enough.
As I'm almost done with the book it's too late to abandon it. I had faith in it for a while that it would get better, can't say I have that anymore. Projects aren't as hard than doing blogs. Projects are a set objective generally involving just info on the book and characters, blogs on the other hand are always different and rely solely on the events in the book. Well, that's the challenge about it I guess.

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