So seriously though, J.R.R Tolkien knew, wait for it...35 languages. First of all, how does someone even do that, like really? Okay to show you I'm gonna list them ALL; Latin, French, German in his childhood, but while at school he learned Middle English, Old English, Finnish, Gothic, Greek, Italian, Old Norse, Spanish, Welsh, and Medieval Welsh, but wait there's more, he also knew these last "few" Danish, Dutch, Lombardic, Norwegian, Icelandic, Russian, Swedish, Middle
Dutch, Middle High German, Middle Low German, Old High German, Old
Slavonic, and Lithuanian. Really though he knew languages I didn't even know were a thing until I read his biography. He even (if you read the books) made his own languages, most famous being Elvish which he created as an odd spin off of Finnish. Yet here I am with my wonderful English...hooray.
Heh, so his story of Lord of The Rings and The Hobbit are crazy no doubt right? Well he was very questioning of the fans he had made with The Lord of The Rings or just LORDT for short, he was always calling his fans "lunatics" and other things as he found they were dimwitted compared to him being a professor and all. He meant it saying that the fans would never fully understand his work but only just enjoy it from time to time. Another cool thing my book taught me was that the only person in the movies who actually knew Tolkien personally was Christopher Lee. See, Christopher was loving of LORDT books and was giving permission to play Gandolf if ever there were to be a movie made. That sounds pretty cool, obviously. As well as if you've ever seen the movies and know who Christopher Lee is you'd know that he never played Gandolf....but he did play Saruman, or in simpler terms: the bad wizard guy trying to take over Middle-Earth. To me that seems like a good bit to end off on.