Wednesday, January 28, 2015

The Carnivorous Carnival pt.2

Okay, so now I've finished the book. As I've said I don't read the books for the endings because they are literally the same every time. Predictable. I read them for the events pryer to them, that's the part that's always different. From just some old guys house to a reptile house with a man eating snake on the loose. Always different. I mean a giant pit filled with lions ripping people to shreds is just but a tad different than the first two examples.
That's not my point, my point is that it was a good book, and I'm not gonna end up reading anymore so why not spoil a the end of a book you're never gonna read. Eventually in the end book literally called "The End" Olaf dies. Whoop whoop. He dies in a weird way as well, like he gets shot by a harpoon by a character that doesn't matter currently. Don't worry it gets better, he miraculously manages to stay alive long enough to help a woman give birth and wait for it....recites a poem and "*ploop, just falls over dead*". Yeah gotta mention the children help with the birth and the mother dies right after, and hey guess what the orphans are now parents for an times. Also at least they burred their bodies and payed their respects. Not the best ending but still glad Lemony kept the common theme of people always dying in some way. Which sounds psychotic, slightly is, but still. So you're welcome for a book that doesn't really matter.....HOORAY! 

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